Some people join a bikini competition to motivate themselves to get fit or showcase the results of their training. For others, joining a contest is a way to boost self-confidence or unlock a new experience in life.

What To Expect When Entering A Bikini Competition For The First Time

Each year, more and more women show their interest in joining fitness competitions, and it’s not difficult to see why. Bikini competitions put women in the spotlight, and provide a stage to show off the results of their hard work.

Before you think about joining a bikini competition, you need to set your expectations, so you won’t be overwhelmed, or back out in the middle of preparation.

1. It Costs A Lot Of Money

You will spend a lot of money while preparing for a bikini contest since you need to pay for trainings, outfits, meals and many more. Most people who join bikini contests usually start their training a few months before the show. Coach fees can cost up to USD$200 per month, aside from gym membership fees and pose training sessions that can cost around USD$50 to USD$100. These expenses do not count the money you’ll spend on your meals since you’ll need to stick to a very strict diet while preparing for the contest.

Those who enter bikini competitions also invest in their bikini suits since it helps them stand out on stage. An off-rack suit can cost around USD$150 per set, while custom ones can cost up to USD$1000.

If you want to save some money on your suit, you can purchase simple ones and customize them yourself. You can also check out discounted offers from websites that sell bikini suits. Online bikini stores like Amber Competition Bikinis have affordable sets you can buy so you can save up on your competition costs.

Your Lifestyle Will Change Drastically

2. Your Lifestyle Will Change Drastically

Once you decide on entering a bikini competition, expect your current lifestyle to change. Most competitors start their training months, sometimes even years before their target show, since muscle building and toning take time. If you’re a long way from your target body, expect that you will also spend that much time working on yourself.

You’ll need to monitor your diet strictly and follow your coach’s advice during training sessions to see improvements of our body. One slip up in your workouts or eating habits can slow down your progress, so you need to remain disciplined the entire preparation period.

Most competitors stick to a rigorous regimen around 12 weeks before a show. This period will usually be the last stretch to improve the muscle groups in your body that need extra work. During this time, you need to push yourself during workouts and adhere to a very strict diet to lose weight.

3. The Competition Will Be Tough

Once you enter the competition, expect to stand amongst contest veterans and former champions who have more experience than you. Of course, your goal should be to take home an award but don’t feel too disheartened if you don’t win.

Since it will be your first time competing, appreciate the progress you’ve achieved without becoming overly fixated on the outcome of the judges’ final decision. It would be rewarding if you win, but if you don’t, just enjoy the experience and join the next competition season.

A realistic goal for first-timers is to qualify for the fitness competition and look like you fit in with the rest of the competitors on stage.

4. It’s Fulfilling

All the hard work you’ve put into the competition and all the hardships you’ve endured will all be worth it in the end.

You’ll learn a lot about yourself, and you’ll also meet a lot of other women during the contest. The progress you’ve made and the training you’ve been through will teach you about your mental and physical strength.

If your goal in entering a bikini competition is to get fit, then you’ll undoubtedly achieve it. If your purpose is to boost your self-esteem and confidence, you should make the most out of your time during the competition. Be proud and do your best when posing and showing off your results in front of the crowd and judges. The surreal feeling of standing on stage will leave a mark on your memory, and you’ll certainly feel accomplished after the competition ends.

Final Thoughts

Bikini competitions are popular, but they’re not for everyone. Some people find the preparation period too difficult, while some enjoy the challenge.

It’s a big commitment to join a fitness contest since it requires intense training, dedication, and discipline. The charm of fitness competitions is the fulfillment of seeing results in your body and showcasing your hard work in front of other people. If it’s something you want to pursue, focus on your goals and do your best, so you won’t have any regrets after the competition ends.

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