Back-To-School Shopping

It doesn’t matter if you’ve graduated from school a long time ago, everyone should still go back-to-school shopping.

Even if you graduated from school a long time ago, it’s hard not to get into the back-to-school spirit at this time of the year. Pretty much everywhere you look and click online there are back-to-school ads. You may not need to worry about the first day of school outfits and picking up a new set of school supplies but you should still do your own adult version of back-to-school shopping.

You probably want to stay as far away from any store filled with antsy kids and stressed-out parents but hear me out. (You can do your own shopping when all of the kiddies are back at school.) Now is the perfect time to think about your style and if you want to try a new look. It’s not just because it is the start of a new season. It’s because fall always feels like the start of a new chapter in a way that they start of winter definitely doesn’t. We grew up with fall being about new beginnings, new ideas, and new goals and that feeling about starting fresh always creeps in September. You may not have new classmates and new tests to get A+’s on, but you can take the ideas about starting new and think about them in terms of your style.

Do you remember what your fashion and beauty New Year’s resolutions were? Did you keep them? Did you even have any? If you did, you probably forgot about them around February 5th. Back-to-school season is the right time to wipe the slate clean again and think about your look and what you want to try. Go shopping in your closet and figure out what you really love and what you could do with more of. Also, take a look at the things that it is time you tossed or donated.

Have you always wanted to try a pair of culottes but haven’t gotten the chance? Is your wardrobe 96% black and you want to try something else? Is there a celebrity’s look you love that you think you could never pull off because “you’re not that kind of girl?” Yes, you are. Write it all down on your shopping list. Then go to the mall and enjoy that you can go shopping by yourself or with a friend and you won’t have your parents there telling you want you can and can’t buy.

And while you’re out shopping for your new back-to-school workpieces, remember that there is nothing like a fresh haircut to complete the look. You always had one before school, so don’t stop that tradition now either. You need something to go with your updated wardrobe.

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