Before you purchase a wedding dress on the internet, it is a great idea to keep the following in mind. If it seems too good to be true…

Reasons Not to Buy Your Wedding Dress Online
(Photo: © Instagram).

When it comes to shop­ping for almost any item, it is usu­ally cheaper and cer­tainly more con­ve­nient to do so online. How­ever, before you pur­chase a wed­ding dress on the inter­net, it is a great idea to keep the fol­low­ing in mind.

  • Design­ers do not sup­port online stores. So, if you’ve found a designer dress at a frac­tion of the price, there’s a very good rea­son for that… it isn’t a gen­uine dress. The only time design­ers will adver­tise online is in stores that also have a high street bou­tique. If it’s an exclu­sively online retailer, those ‘designer’ dresses are just replicas.
  •  If it seems too good to be true… As the old say­ing goes, it is. It’s easy to get car­ried away when you find a dress you love that’s sell­ing at an incred­i­bly low price, but try to keep your wits about you if an offer seems unbe­liev­able. The chances are it isn’t genuine.
  •  Bear in mind, what you see isn’t nec­es­sar­ily what you get. The biggest dis­ad­van­tage of buy­ing wed­ding dresses online is that you can’t see or feel the prod­uct you’re buy­ing. And you have no real way of know­ing whether the pic­ture you see is of the gown you’ll actu­ally be sent.
  • It’s impor­tant to ensure the seller you’re deal­ing with is hon­est, and that’s not always an easy thing to accom­plish. There­fore, I would advise against doing busi­ness with any online bridal seller that you haven’t heard pos­i­tive rec­om­men­da­tions about — prefer­ably from some­one you know.
  • If you buy from an online mer­chant who is based in another coun­try, he or she may not be bound by the same trans­ac­tion laws. There­fore, it is vital, if you are going to pur­chase a wed­ding dress online, to do so from a retailer in your own country.

Gen­er­ally speak­ing, wed­ding dress is the kind of thing you want to look at, touch, and try on before you buy. How­ever, if you still wish to pur­chase your gown from an online store, make sure you do your research and take the nec­es­sary pre­cau­tions to pro­tect your­self from being ripped off.

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