Spring has a lot of iffy days, but before you know it, it’ll be summer. It’s the greatest season. The days are longer, and the weather is exceptionally better. Now is the time to start planning for that first summer block party. It needs to be better than the previous years, and it needs to be the perfect way to kick off the most glorious season.

Include Safety Monitors

Not too many people think about having safety monitors around the zone during a block party. You have the street closed off, so why would you need monitors? Accidents can happen even with that precaution in place, and no one wants to deal with an injury during such a fun and joyous time.

During a block party, kids wander everywhere. Keep them safe and out of harm’s way with a few volunteer safety monitors. Before the event, ask who’s willing to monitor the surrounding area for the block party. Be sure to schedule shifts so that everyone can enjoy the party and supply them with a safety vest.

Diversify the Food

Get more than one type of meal out there. We all have different taste buds, and the world is way too diverse to stick with one style of dish. Ask people if they’re willing to make the event into a potluck so that they can share some of their greatest recipes.

Or if this block party caters to a bigger crowd, start sourcing and looking for vendors from all over town. Choose some of the most popular restaurants that you know people will love, and find a few newbies that you think deserve to make a splash in the dining industry.

Manage the Waste

Garbage and trash will be inevitable. You can’t avoid them when it comes to block parties. That’s fine because you’ve prepared for it. Your block party needs a dumpster rental to make the management easier.

When you rent a dumpster, people will feel compelled to pick up after themselves instead of discarding their trash on the ground. Make sure you specify which receptacle is for recycling and which is for trash. Just because we’re all out here having fun doesn’t mean we can’t do our part to save the planet.

Remember to keep the waste management section away from the dining area so that flies and other pests don’t bother anyone while they eat.

Provide Entertainment

The food and the people are plenty of fun, but you need to give everyone a good source of entertainment. This could involve a neighborhood game of soccer or a live music act. No matter what you choose, create a budget for the event before planning anything and see what you can splurge on.

You may want to consider starting a couple of fundraising campaigns leading up to the party that encourage people in the community to donate so that the block party can have some entertainment that everyone will enjoy.

Also, be sure to photograph every moment to cherish these memories. Photographing in the summer requires special techniques to ensure the pictures come out visible, so learn about them before the big day.

Kick off summer on the right foot by planning and throwing the most amazing block party of the season.

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