A Bouquet is probably not high on your wedding to-do list, but choosing the wrong wedding bouquet can have a disastrous affect on the way you look. So, make sure you pick the bouquet that will flatter your figure.

How to Choose The Right Wedding Bouquet

If you’re in the early phases of plan­ning your wed­ding, you might not have even con­sid­ered what kind of bou­quet you want. If, on the other hand, you’re in the lat­ter stages of plan­ning your wed­ding, you’ll know that choos­ing a wed­ding bou­quet can be an incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult task.

Wed­ding Bou­quets Are Basic, Aren’t They?

I know, it sounds sim­ple enough, right? After all, select­ing the right wed­ding bou­quet is just a sim­ple mat­ter of find­ing flow­ers that suit your wed­ding gown and bridal party’s color scheme, choos­ing between real or silk, find­ing a match with the style and theme of the wed­ding, and select­ing a bou­quet that will flat­ter your figure.

Yes, believe it or not, the bou­quet can add that extra bit of glam­our and top of your out­fit per­fectly, or it can accen­tu­ate all those fea­tures that you’d rather kept hid­den. So, the bou­quet busi­ness is rather trick­ier than many brides bar­gain for.

What Do You Want — A Wed­ding Bou­quet?

First things first, remem­ber it’s your wed­ding and your opin­ion and tastes have to trump every­body else’s — with the pos­si­ble excep­tion of the groom-to-be, but he’s unlikely to take much of an inter­est where flo­ral décor is concerned.

So, despite the fact that the world and her hus­band may be offer­ing you advice on what color, style, and type of flower should be included in your bou­quet, make sure you don’t let your­self be swayed by their advice. By all means, lis­ten to it (some of it might be good), but you, ulti­mately, have to go with your heart.

How to Find Out What You Want

If you haven’t yet given much thought to bou­quets, you may not have much of a clue as to what you’d like to have in your own. So, a good place to start is by look­ing through mag­a­zines or brows­ing the inter­net for ideas. If you’re are around the area, you can also search for San Diego CA wedding flowers.

You’re almost cer­tain to find sev­eral that catch your eye, so make a note of what it is these bou­quets have in com­mon and keep those things in mind when choos­ing your own bouquet.

How to Flat­ter Your Fig­ure

Yes, I know it seems strange, but the shape and size of the bou­quet really can make a dif­fer­ence to how you look on your big day. So, here’s some great advice for select­ing the right bou­quet to flat­ter your figure.

  • Short women — should steer clear of posies because they’ll make you look more com­pact. Instead, you should be look­ing at bou­quets that give the illu­sion of height. Teardrop, sheath, and larger designs will do the job perfectly.
  • Tall women — The goal is to make your height seem more even, so a bou­quet that draws the eye down is needed; a medium teardrop or large posy, for example.
  • Large women — You’ll find that a large bou­quet helps to make you look slim­mer. Never choose a small bou­quet, because this will exag­ger­ate your width and make you appear larger than you are.
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