Getting your significant other something special for the holidays takes some thought and consideration into merging sentimental value with what you think they’d appreciate. You know your partner better than anyone, but it can be challenging to decide what to get them. To avoid buying the wrong thing, here are eight holiday gift ideas your significant other will love.
1. A Framed Family Photograph
Whether it is just the two of you or you have kids, have a photograph of your family custom-framed as a gift to your significant other. If you happen to know of a specific picture that your partner loves, go with that one to make them smile!
2. Minimalist Trendy Wallets
The coolest accessory trend at the moment is minimalist wallets. These wallets are perfect for anyone looking to carry their cash in style. To make your partner happy, go with a men’s carbon fiber wallet to provide functionality with a unisex design.
3. A Handmade Ornament
Handmade gifts are always special, no matter what. To stay festive with the season, make a holiday ornament for your partner that will make them think of you.
You could put a small photo of the two of you in the center or write out your partner’s name in glitter glue. Whatever you can think of to personalize your gift will make it all the more special to them.
4. An Activity Voucher
Another great gift idea is to purchase an activity voucher for something that the two of you enjoy, or even just something your partner wants to do alone or with friends. Choose from so many options like cooking classes, cheesemaking classes, foreign language classes, etc.
Think about the hobbies they enjoy and what is interesting to them. They’ll love that the gift is interactive and is something to look forward to after the holidays have passed.
5. Decadent Baked Goods
You can’t go wrong with a decadent dessert around the holidays. Have a local bakery whip up a batch of cookies or whatever dessert your partner enjoys the most and wrap it up in a festive gift basket. Food is always an excellent gift for the holidays and to show someone that you love them.
6. A Gift Card to Their Favorite Store
Surprise the person you love by letting them choose something they want from their favorite store! They’ll be jazzed by the idea that they have spending money to choose the best accessories for them.
With this idea, you come out a winner every time! Sometimes the best gift-givers are the ones who avoid the hassle and stick to gift cards.
7. Luxurious Body Oil
Body oil is a great gift for self-care and to show your partner that you care. Tending to their needs to be pampered is something they will appreciate and likely need after working extra hours to buy holiday gifts!
If your partner is sensitive to fragrances, go for natural oils like sesame or olive-based body oils to avoid irritation. You can even offer to give your partner a massage to make the present even better!
8. A Couples Massage
The two of you can enjoy a relaxing afternoon together at the spa of your partner’s choosing! If you’re not that great at massages, give your partner and yourself a couple’s massage voucher instead. This is an excellent gift for relaxation and for spending quality time together.
The Bottom Line
Choosing the best holiday gifts for your significant other is about combining sentimental value with excitement. Consider the gift ideas in this list to get the inspiration you need to purchase holiday gifts for your significant other.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.