I know everyone thinks her best friend is the best, but of course, you would all be wrong (unless you are, in fact, Rory Gilmore, and you’re talking about your mother). Mine is. She’s probably the coolest person I know but has no idea that she is (Shh, don’t tell her). We first bonded over an ill-conceived high school science fair project, which we prepared for by playing MonkeyBall on Wii and making up data. Doing nothing together is pure bliss.

Of course, I know (or hope) that all of your BFFs are also wonderful, and you, too, are agonizing over the perfect gift to show her how much you love her and lock down her eternal love in return. You could call these ten gifts BFF insurance.

1. Sephora Favorites Perfume Sampler

I can 100% guarantee the effectiveness of this particular present, as my best friend gave it to me last Christmas, and it ensured my love all year. This set is the greatest because these little bottles will basically last you an entire year on their own, and testing them is just plain fun. Then when you’ve exhausted them (I don’t even think I have yet), you get a full-size bottle of your pick. 

2. Vesper Vibrator Necklace

I don’t know if it’s possible to see this item and not want it. It actually looks weirdly cute as a necklace, even though you know you would never actually wear it. Can you imagine opening this present on Christmas Day? Oh, the supreme quirky sexual joy!

3. Will & Grace Complete Series

The worst thing about Netflix: solved. (Feel free to replace it with a box set of your friend’s favorite non-Netflixable show).

4. A Beyonce Dance Class

Working out is not a gift. Workout out by learning Beyonce’s dance moves is a precious, life-giving gift. These classes are popping up everywhere, so I’ll bet you can find one near you! If you can, there are amazing deals for them on Gilt City.

5. A “Get Drunk And Paint” Class 

You’re best friends, so obviously anything you do together will be fun. But drinking wine and painting? What could be more fun? Again, these classes are everywhere now!

6. Poop Socks

Because who else can you talk about your bowel movements with?

7. A Pair Of Swants

Part sweater, part pants, a true Christmas miracle.

8. Penguin Clothbound Classics

For your nerdy reader friend (hey, that’s me!), these books are absolutely stunning.

9. Lisa Frank Sticker Book, Official Collector’s Set

Changing gears from Austen and Dickens…but just as wonderful.

10. Stargirl Ear Adornment Set

Take your BFF’s earring game to the next level. (Then borrow them.)

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