Scorpio season is right around the corner, so it’s time to start planning birthday gifts for the Scorpio in your life. This sign is known for its secretive nature, so you may be stumped trying to think of a gift. They also tend to go after what they want with a passion, so the Scorpios in your circle may seem like they already have everything they might desire.

The good news is that Scorpios’ passionate water sign energy helps them appreciate the underlying care behind any gesture. Here are some gift suggestions for a Scorpio’s birthday.


Even if a Scorpio is a social butterfly, they usually appreciate time and space to unwind at the end of the day. Self-care products are great gift choices. There’s so much variety in these products that you can easily tailor your gift to their specific tastes.

Ritual is important to any water sign, so a suite of skincare products makes a thoughtful gift for a Scorpio. Choose luxurious, fun scents and be sure to avoid any targeted ‘problem’ regimens like those for acne. It will mean a lot to a Scorpio that you took an interest in and contributed to their solitary routines.

At-Home Leisure

Scorpios can be passionate about their hobbies, so do plenty of research before getting them a hobby-related gift. Books can be a good choice, as you can simply pick something written by an author they already enjoy. A hardcover edition of a broken-in paperback is a decorative and special gift a Scorpio is sure to love.

When giving a hobby gift, it can be helpful to go for the margins of the hobby rather than the usual big-ticket items. For example, a great bookmark may seem simple, but a Scorpio will make more use of it than a box set of a series that may not be their speed.

A Scorpio’s home is their ultimate sanctuary. Home decor items that relate to or help organize a Scorpio’s hobby can also be great gift options. Try small drawers with customizable labels in a design that matches the aesthetic of their home.


Many people think of jewelry items as romantic gifts but don’t be afraid to pick up some sparkle for the Scorpio in your life even if you’re just friends. Their loving nature extends to platonic love as well, so they’ll likely appreciate these personal items.

Unconventional pieces will give the perfect bite a Scorpio requires — whether ‘unconventional’ to them means gemstone-eyed snake earrings or simply an orange pearl instead of the usual off-white. Birthstone pieces, such as rose quartz for an October Scorpio or topaz for a November birthday, are good choices for their symbolic value.

Journals and Planners

The solar and lunar eclipses are in Scorpio this year, so your friend or loved one may be going through some big changes in their life. That makes a fancy journal or planner the perfect Scorpio present in 2024. It ties into their need for a rich inner life and gives them valuable space for their thoughts and feelings.

A more freeform journal or planner is the best choice, so your friend or loved one can choose how to utilize it. Including a set of pens and fun stickers that align with their interests can make this gift a complete package.

Mugs and Treats

Scorpios love new sensory experiences, so you can’t go wrong with tea, coffee, and other delicious gifts. For a gift that will stick around, pair one of these treats with a quality ceramic mug. If your Scorpio is snarky, there are plenty of sharp phrases on mugs they’ll enjoy. A mug that changes color or pattern when exposed to heat will delight a Scorpio with hidden facets of its own.

The perfect gift for a Scorpio will usually lay a little off the beaten path, but it’s not as difficult to delight this sign as you may think. Across any category, they’ll appreciate the effort you spend considering their sometimes-prickly tastes.

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