If you’re single and want to change that, there’s a whole bunch of paths to take – read a bunch, attend a few workshops, stop trying, jump right into online dating, learn to love yourself… and those are just the most obvious suggestions.
If you’re a reader, these books are the best-of-the-best for singles looking for love, tired of being single, and want to do something about it. I’ve read every one, and while each has its own market and usefulness, you could easily print off this list, take it to the bookstore, and grab them all (I’ve witnessed this!) to get yourself back on the relationship track of your dreams.
The Soulmate Secret by Arielle Ford
Using the concepts behind the Law of Attraction, author Arielle Ford shares her “feelingizations” to bring The One into your life. Her ideas and suggestions are both breathtaking and therapeutic and will help you to hone exactly what it is you are looking for in a partner before actively seeking them out.
The Honeymoon Effect by Dr. Bruce Lipton
You might think me a bit crazy to suggest a book that discusses the behavior of mammals and the neurobiology of love – yet this book changed my life, and it will be yours, too. Using science as his background, Dr. Lipton makes a beautiful case for how we create beliefs, how to change them, and therefore, how to create a love life full of lifelong, honeymoon moments. I’ve read this at least a dozen times and will.
Spirit-Centered Relationships by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks
A short, sweet, and forever memorable book, Gay and Kathlyn use their own relationship and work practices (one, a therapist, the other a physical therapist) to help singles and couples alike figure out where they’re communicating, feeling, and, well, being, in ways that stop them from feeling the love. A must-read (as is pretty much everything they’ve ever written).
Path to Love by Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra has written a spiritually-guided relationship book for people of all faiths to help demonstrate his belief that true love comes from within and not from any outside source.
Love in 90 Days
Literally, a shape-up for our love lives the -a type of exercise book, Love in 90 Days offers fantastic get back in the game ideas, suggestions, tips, and how-tos to get you back on track and finding someone truly special. Although geared towards women, this relationship book would work just as well for men.
The Truth by Neil Strauss
Does the name sound vaguely familiar? Strauss wrote a book a few years back called The Game, exposing pick-up artists at their core and using his own love life as the testing ground. In The Truth, Strauss focuses more on his path to love and commitment, with a few detours into polyamory, swinging, and utter chaos. If you just plain don’t know how to get to love, or rather, what you want, I highly recommend this book.
Why You’re Still Single by Marc Evan Katz
An interesting relationship book is proffering advice to singles of both sexes looking for a different take on why they aren’t in a relationship in a friendly yet frank way. The use of two writers (one male and one female) matched with the unusual tone of this book (for instance, “Everything You Say Can and Will Be Used against You”) makes it a fun, genuine read.
Still Hot
As the remainder of the title explains – “The Uncensored Guide to Divorce, Dating, Sex, Spite and Happily Ever After” – this is a book for women that are looking to find their mojo again after a divorce. Fun, light, and cheeky, Still Hot reminds us all to laugh as much as possible and enjoy the ride with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm.
Dating Expert, Contributing Writer
Cathy is a dating site consultant and dating expert. I possess a strong passion for people, heart-felt facilitation, and provocative storytelling. I use my voice in writing, speech to provoke awareness and positive personal change.