Although you might think that it will be many years before your pet’s health declines, poor health isn’t exclusive to senior animals, and this means that it’s essential that you’re looking out for their health right from the very start.
Then, here are some of the best ways that you can keep your pet healthy and raring to go from the time they’re a puppy or kitten through to their final days.
1. Take Out Pet Insurance
You might not need to take out pet insurance for small mammals or fish. However, as soon as you bring home a cat or a dog, it’s vital that you start looking into the pet insurance policies that are available to you. Caring for a pet can be incredibly expensive, and you might find that your bank balance struggles when your pet falls ill. However, it’s essential that you don’t simply ignore their health issues and hope for the best, as this could lead to them getting worse and could mean that your pet suffers.
Instead, you should look into taking out a comprehensive pet insurance policy with a reliable company that has your and your pet’s best interests at heart. This coverage will ensure that you don’t have to think twice about taking your beloved pet to the vet and that no treatment or specialist is off-limits to them. This means that you should look around online for the top pet health insurance policies for your cat or dog before you even bring them home with you.
2. Get Flea and Worm Treatments
Hazards are everywhere when it comes to your pet, and you might constantly be checking your pet for signs of illness. However, you might get so busy examining them for signs of arthritis or kidney failure that you forget to look for the basics. Fleas and worms are parasites that can harm your pet, causing irritated skin, weakness, and bowel problems. Not only this, but fleas can carry disease and infest your home.
To ensure that you don’t have to spot a few wriggling pests in your pet’s feces or fur, you should keep up to date with their monthly flea and worm treatments. The most common form of flea treatment is topical and can be applied using a pipette. However, both flea and worming treatments can be consumed in tablet form. It’s also important that you check their fur when they enter your home, that you prevent them from eating whatever they want to, and that they don’t get too close to stray animals.
3. Ensure They’re Vaccinated
If you want your pet to stay healthy for life, you should stay up to date with their vaccinations. It can be easy to forget that your pet is due for their vaccination, yet getting these performed on an annual basis can prevent them from contracting some of the most serious and common diseases in pets. For instance, dogs are vaccinated against rabies, hepatitis, and kennel cough, while cats are vaccinated against cat flu and feline leukemia, among other conditions.
You might believe that vaccines are costly and that the risk is low for your pet, especially if you have an indoor cat. However, these conditions can be fatal, can be passed between animals, and can be incredibly expensive to treat. If you’re struggling to afford the outright cost of the vaccinations and annual examination, you should ask your vet if they have a payment plan or a subscription model that can spread the cost out over time.
4. De-Stress Your Pet
It isn’t just physical conditions that can have an impact on your pet. Many animals suffer from stress-related illnesses, and you might begin to notice that they have started to hide, become withdrawn, and have stopped eating as much. In such cases, it may be helpful to get your dog trained to better handle anxiety and stress, as proper training can help them cope with changes in their environment and routine, ultimately improving their overall well-being.
To make sure that your pet is as relaxed as possible in your home, you should consider playing calming music, creating a safe and comfortable place for your pet to sleep in that’s away from children and other animals, and using anti-anxiety sprays and medication for your pet. You should also try to stick to a routine, introduce new pets in the correct way, and contact a behavioral specialist about separation anxiety.
5. Choose the Right Food
You should also try to choose the right food for your dog or cat. Although pets can be fussy about what food they eat, you should try to stay away from foods that are the equivalent of fast food for pets, and instead look for natural alternatives that can provide your pet with the vitamins and minerals that they need. You might also consider adding fresh meat that you have cooked for them to their diet, which can help to keep their bones and coat as strong as possible.
If you’re overwhelmed by the different options that are available, you should consider looking for a food that matches your pet’s lifestyle, or trying out a few until you find one that your furry friend loves. This can help you to relax in the knowledge that you’re doing your best for your pet and that they’re getting the nutrients that they need for their stage in life.
6. Research the Breed
Every breed has different needs, especially when it comes to how active they need to be. This means that it’s vital that you research the breed of pet that you’ve adopted so you can give them the best life possible. For instance, although greyhounds are super-fast, they need exercise in short bursts, unlike border collies, who need constant entertainment and excitement to stay focused and to let off steam.
By researching the breed, you’ll be able to keep them as fit as possible, fix behavioral issues, and ensure that they’re able to remain happy and healthy in your home. If you don’t know where to start, you should consider beginning your research online or finding books about the specific breed that you own.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.