One of the biggest questions new parents ask is, “what are the benefits of breast feeding babies?” Breast milk is naturally produced by a woman’s body. It provides the necessary nourishment and vitamins and minerals to her newborn or child as well as acting as an antibodies defense for the baby. Some health benefits of breast milk are that it is generally free of bacteria and can help to prevent infections of the respiratory system.
There have been significant studies that show there are many positive benefits of breastfeeding for infants. Among these include: better weight gain, lower risk of infections, decreased chances of ear infections, less frequent ear infections in new born babies and fewer ear infections in breastmilk drinkers later on in life. Breastfed babies also tend to have a higher acceptance and tolerance of mother’s fragrances and are more likely to accept and like interaction with babies’ toys. Furthermore, breastfeeding initiates the mother’s natural breast milk hormones, oxytocin and prolactin. These two hormones help the mother to produce milk that contains a higher concentration of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
For those who are curious about the study of Benefits of Breastfeeding Babies and whether or not it leads to a reduced risk in a developing baby of having diabetes, the short answer is “it does”. Not only did the researchers conduct a controlled experiment in which they gave some breastfed babies formula and breastmilk and another group of non-breastfeeding babies a control type of the same food but supplemented with a glucose inhaler to see what would happen; they monitored the children for symptoms of diabetes and the group that received breastmilk and formula showed significantly lower incidents of diabetes than the control group. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the University Of Utah School Of Medicine, The Ohio State University, the University Of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of California, Davis.
One of the best things you can do when breastfeeding your child is to get a good baby nursing cover. That could make all the difference in the world when breastfeeding your baby. Because you don’t want to get a baby nursing cover that’s going to make you uncomfortable. Nor do you want to get one that’s not stylish. So definitely do you’re research on those, that’s a point that needs to be made clear for sure.
There are other diseases and conditions that benefit from breastfeeding babies. Babies who receive breastfeed at least six months are less likely to develop ear infections. They also have less chance of contracting colds and chickenpox. Lesser risk in adults has been shown for osteoporosis and asthma. A mother who breastfeeds also helps her child to get used to nursing, so there is less stress on the child and he begins to enjoy it.
Some babies who were bottle fed developed respiratory infections and choke sores. Those babies who were breastfed had a much lower incidence of these problems. The researchers also found out that babies who were bottle fed often developed allergies and rashes. These types of allergies could be connected to the fact that babies who are bottle fed do not receive adequate amounts of nutrients. Formula makers claim that their formulas are nutritionally balanced. However, experts believe otherwise.
Benefits of Breastfeeding Babies Even though many health professionals believe that babies should wait to start consuming formula, studies have shown that breastfeeding babies do as well as formula. Breastfeeding new mothers find that they can still bond with their babies by breastfeeding. Many new mothers choose to breastfeed because it gives them a sense of security for their baby. Breast milk contains antibodies that fight infections and diseases and helps a new mother protect her child from disease.
One of the most important benefits of breastfeeding babies is the fact that breast milk protein helps fight against colic. When babies suckle from their mothers, they intake breast milk protein. Try the lactation protein powder from Majka to increase the milk supply. It is known that an insufficient supply of vitamin D inhibits the production of digestive enzymes. This lack of enzymes results in the baby having problems with constipation. Breastfed babies who receive vitamin D supplements through supplementation experience less discomfort when compared to babies who are not breastfed.
A Few More Health Benefits Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea, ear infections, and viral infections. These health benefits help to ensure that babies will have a happy and healthy childhood. There are also several medical conditions, illnesses, and diseases for which breastfed babies are less likely to experience. For example, babies who are bottle fed are more likely to develop respiratory problems than those who are breastfed. They are also less likely to suffer from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea, ear infections, and viral infections.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.