You’ll prob­a­bly spend some time pon­der­ing your choices for a hon­ey­moon. After all, you want it to be a spe­cial, roman­tic, mem­o­rable time. So, it’s impor­tant that you find just the right loca­tion. There are, of course, an end­less num­ber of poten­tial hon­ey­moon des­ti­na­tions. And your choice is likely to depend upon your, and your new spouse’s, per­sonal tastes, the time of year, and what you intend to do over the course of the honeymoon….well, yes, that’s a given, but what else?

If You Want to Relax on the Sands

Barbados Honeymoon Destinations
(Photo: © Instagram).

If after all those stress­ful weeks, or months, of wed­ding plans, you want to spend a cou­ple of weeks soak­ing up the sun in some trop­i­cal locale, how about the fol­low­ing hon­ey­moon destinations?

  • Beau­ti­ful Bar­ba­dos, with stun­ning beaches, friendly locals, an active nightlife, and more sun­shine than you can shake a stick at.
  • Mag­nif­i­cent Mau­ri­tius, a trop­i­cal par­adise with deep, blue lagoons and luxury.
  • Stun­ning Sey­chelles offers the per­fect roman­tic get­away, with secluded islands and gor­geous stretches of beach.

Visit the beautiful waters of Turkey and discover the Blue Cruise in Turkey. Choose from a wide range of cruises, and embark on an adventure to explore the most colorful parts of this country.

Do You Have a Han­ker­ing for Adventure?

Inca trails Peru
(Inca trails, Peru).

If just the thought of doing noth­ing but lying on a beach gives you cabin fever, then you might want a more active hon­ey­moon. If you and your better-half want an adven­ture, why not con­sider the fol­low­ing locations?

  • A jour­ney through Peru, fol­low­ing the Inca trails, which are steeped in ancient his­tory and stun­ning scenery.
  • If you don’t mind, a lit­tle snow, a Finnish adven­ture, might be per­fect. From beau­ti­ful Scan­di­navia, wit­ness the nat­ural spec­ta­cle of the North­ern Lights.
  • Or take a tour around Cuba, with road trips and excursions.

A Lit­tle Retail Ther­apy — Hon­ey­moon Destinations

Hon­ey­moon Destinations
(New York).

Of course, you might like to shun the idea of rural adven­ture for crea­ture com­forts and a touch of retail therapy.

  • New York, the city so nice they named it twice. New York may not seem like an obvi­ous hon­ey­moon choice, but with lots to see and do, it could be the per­fect choice for you and your spouse.
  • Bali offers the best of both worlds, with lux­u­ri­ous beaches and the oppor­tu­nity to shop ’til you drop.
  • Milan, with its high-end fash­ion, stun­ning archi­tec­ture, and active nightlife, could be the per­fect hon­ey­moon des­ti­na­tion for you.

The vari­ety of hon­ey­moon loca­tions is vast, so make sure you browse and research your choices care­fully to find the per­fect post-connubial holiday!

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