Suppose you are passionate about gardening and also happen to be a cannabis enthusiast. In that case, you might have wondered if growing your own cannabis can bring you more benefits rather than purchasing products from online retailers and dispensaries. Because the regulations around the consumption and cultivation of cannabis have begun to be more relaxed, countries around the world have started to allow the population to grow cannabis seeds in the comfort of their house.

However, before you start this activity, you need to know that both advantages and disadvantages are correlated with this idea. Whether you consume marijuana for medical purposes or your wellness, you need to be aware of both the benefits and downsides that will help you better decide whether cultivating cannabis is worth it.

So, let’s discover together the pros and cons of growing cannabis.

The Pros and Cons of Growing Your Own Cannabis
Photo by @jcomp on Freepik

The pros

It is profitable

As cannabis has shown it has great advantages, it has been adopted in numerous sectors. Various industries, from textile to beauty and medicine, invest plenty of resources in this plant. With this in mind, the value of cannabis products such as hemp seed oil, CBD oil and extracts could also increase in the future. So, from a financial perspective, growing your own cannabis at home can be better than purchasing it from a retailer.

Cannabis products don’t come cheap, especially if you are buying them from premium brands. But, if you grow your own weed at home, you will only need some seeds and learning the basics your plant requires. For example, if you opt for autoflowering cannabis seeds, you will be able to harvest the plant in just seven weeks. Plus, you can even grow cannabis indoors, although it is a more complicated process. This happens because you will probably need an initial investment that includes fertilizer and soil, a thermometer, lights and other supplies. But if you are looking at the long run, even with all these expenses, you will be able to save more money than you would if you bought it directly from a retailer.

It is safer

You need to take into account the safety and quality of the cannabis you consume. Although cannabis products undergo numerous inspections and testing to ensure safety, you still can’t be 100% sure the producers comply with these standards. Instead, growing your own cannabis gives you better control over the entire cultivation process so that you will know that your plants are safe.

You have a better variety of choice

Planting your own cannabis seeds will offer you a better variety. There are over 700 different cannabis seeds worldwide, and there is no way that a brand will provide cannabis-derived products that contain all these strains. Instead, if you purchase the strains you want from Seedsman, you can benefit from a variety that suits your needs better. After discovering the strain you like the most, you can repeatedly produce the same plant. It’s just as simple as that.

It is easy to grow

Cannabis is a versatile plant that can grow in numerous climatic conditions. Except for very extreme ones, the plant is able to survive most climates and offer a significant yield with just a few resources. For example, autoflowering seeds have removed the light dependency on cannabis, and the plant life cycle, while increasing the number of crops possible in a year. So, you will see that with proper care, cannabis is easy to grow, even for beginners.

The cons

The laws are still evolving

The laws surrounding the cultivation of cannabis can be a challenge. While many countries have liberally allowed cannabis cultivation, some still have strict regulations and limitations. Therefore, before you grow your own plant, you must stay updated with the mandates, policies and license requirements to ensure you will not break the law.

It requires effort and time

Although cannabis is quite an easy crop to grow, you still need to provide time and effort so that you will have healthy plants. Growing cannabis doesn’t require advanced botanical skills and knowledge, but it still comes with a learning curve. And for one who hasn’t planted anything in their life, the process can seem complicated and tedious.

So, choosing a ready-made product might be better if you seek ease of access and comfort. Nowadays, you have plenty of brands that offer a range of cannabis products, so if you don’t want to put in effort, this might be the to-go option for you.

Environmental concerns

Before you start to grow your cannabis, you also need to consider the environmental implications of doing so. Cannabis cultivation can cause increased water usage, degrade the quality of land and impact global climate change. Additionally, the legal status of cannabis can increase cultivation in those areas that are undetectable, like tribal lands. Unfortunately, these practices can affect the wildlife in a region.

The bottom line

Farming cannabis comes with some risks that can affect the crops, such as labor cost, nutrient availability and weather. Furthermore, the changing landscape of cannabis laws leads to more challenges in the cultivation of the plant. However, the rapid rise in value and demand can suggest that the cultivation will evolve better in the years to come.

Cultivating cannabis in an indoor setting or a garden can be an idea worth considering, as you will enjoy plenty of benefits. Still, you need to be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages, so that you will make the best decision for you. In this way, you will figure out which parts weigh heavier in the balance and suit your lifestyle the best. If you love to spend time outside and enjoy gardening, then growing your own cannabis might be the best idea for you. If not, you might want to buy products you find on the market.

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