Health Supplements
(Photo Credit: Instagram via @wellgard).

As consumers progress through life, they need different vitamins and minerals to keep them active and healthy. Starting from vitamin D for infants, energy support for young adults, protein, and calcium for the elderly, and digestive care products across all age groups. As life becomes more intense and stress levels rise the need for external help such as dietary supplements increases. Also as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak people have started to search for alternatives to boost their immune system.  

It’s important to maintain a good nutritional balance throughout life. Although the goal should be to fulfill dietary needs with food, this becomes harder with age as the body absorbs less nutrients and the intake of supplements is much needed. Additionally during the more critical life stages such as pregnancy and menopause where vitamin and mineral deficiencies are easy to occur supplements are extremely vital.

The supplements market is flooded with such a wide selection of products that people often get lost of what exactly they need. Here are some recommendations on what is good to take during the different stages of life.

In your 20s

This is the period where most of you have left home and you are likely leading a fast-paced lifestyle, often skipping meals, going out late, and consuming more alcohol. This intense lifestyle can result in an insufficient supply of nutrients to your body. Taking a multivitamin mix can cover all the bases and help your body to stay healthy and energized.

B Vitamins – This group of vitamins is a natural energy booster. It can become depleted with stress or as a result of birth control medications. The most common is the B12 deficiency which can result in fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and an irregular heartbeat. Therefore it’s essential to consider taking a B-complex vitamin.

Magnesium is a pivotal mineral which aids in the processes of many bodily functions such as the production of energy and muscle contractions as well as keeping healthy bones and a healthy heart. The diversity of functions it covers make it suitable for all age groups. If taken for a longer period it also helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress and ease sleep problems. The recommended daily amount differs with age, sex, and other lifestyle factors.

In your 30s

Without generalizing and making assumptions, statistics show that this is the average age range during which women conceive. Most experts recommend some truly important supplements to aid the body in this prudent process.

Folate or also known as folic acid is a must-take as it supports foetus development and prevents birth defects. The majority of prenatal vitamins contain 400 mcg of folic acid which should be taken daily above consuming foods rich in folate such as dark green leafy veg.

Iron is another extremely important mineral for prenatal care as it helps with rapid growth and development and also prevents anaemia in mothers which is a common occurrence during pregnancy and lactation. It also helps to preserve vital body functions such as gastrointestinal processes and the regulation of body temperature.

Once you enter into your 30s, most women start noticing the odd wrinkle here and there and changes in skin tone and texture. Vitamin C and E are a great combination to help increase skin elasticity and glow. Vitamin C is also considered an antioxidant and a powerful immune system booster.

In your 40s

Women in their forties are normally preparing to get into their perimenopause period and may start to experience hot flashes, hormonal imbalances, and psychological distress. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil have recently been recommended in the fight with these symptoms. They also aid in brain and heart health.

Calcium is responsible for your bone and tooth health. It makes your bones strong and dense, therefore if you don’t consume enough calcium in your diet or through supplements, the body will get it from your bones, hence making them fragile and thin. This is more common for women so they should pay greater attention to this mineral having in mind that the body doesn’t produce it.

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body. It is responsible for key functions such as giving structure to your skin, hair, and nails and strengthening your bones, joints, and ligaments.

In recent years collagen has gained more popularity. It has become more widely available mainly in the form of powder but now also in the revolutionized liquid form. Revive collagen is a hydrolyzed marine collagen drink specifically developed to fight the signs of ageing.

In your 50s

With age, the digestive system reduces the amount of digestive enzymes it produces, it absorbs less nutrients and becomes more prone to infections. This may lead to constipation as food stagnates in the gut and reduces bowel movement. To boost your gut health and prevent unhealthy bacteria developing, it’s significant to consider taking probiotics.

Just like calcium, Vitamin D is essential for bone health which usually deteriorates with age. It is often recommended for them to be taken together as vitamin D assists in calcium absorption from the gut. It also supports the immune and nervous systems and helps regulate insulin levels. Vitamin D is even more essential for people living in colder climates with less sunlight and people with darker skin, which blocks sunlight absorption.

Wrap up

Without a doubt, there is nothing better than being able to supply your vitamin and mineral intake from your food. However, no matter how varied your diet is, it’s often not enough to give you your daily amount of each compound you need. This applies even more when you pass through tough times in life when stress levels are high and the body cannot absorb enough nutrients or needs more to combat the stress. Similarly, when you are growing a new life or passing menopause, the body needs external support in the form of supplements to give it a boost.

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