If you are new to gardening, then it is all too easy for you to get caught up in all of the enthusiasm. You may rush out to the garden centre and come back with a bag full of seeds, tools and plants. By the end of it you may end up exhausted and disappointed that nothing has worked. If you want to find out what went wrong, then this guide will help you to pinpoint the source of the issue so you can go on to make better choices for the future.
Planting Too Much at Once
One major mistake that so many people make is that they plant too much. Sure, you’re probably excited about gardening but if you have everything squashed up against one another then this will create a display that doesn’t last. The plants will begin to compete for nutrients, and they will also need a monumental amount of watering to sustain them. It won’t be long before they begin to look a little wilted and sorry for themselves. If you want to avoid this then make sure that you avoid planting too much at once, and that you put the time in to make sure that each plant has the room it needs to grow.
Using the Wrong Soil
Did you know that there are three types of soil? And that some suit certain plants more than others? The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have a good idea of what soil type you have so you can plan accordingly. There is no point in you trying to plant anything that needs free-draining soil in a heavy clay environment. If you do, then you will be setting yourself up for failure. One way for you to avoid this would be for you to know your soil, and then pick plants that love the conditions.
Ignoring how much Sun you Get
Planting where there isn’t enough sun is a huge mistake. All plants need a good amount of light to grow. Some plants however can tolerate full light. If you want to make sure that you are looking after your plants to the best of your ability, then you need to make a point of positioning your plants in a way that is going to help them to thrive. If your garden is full of sun then you may need to put up some shade, or some protection to help plants that could well get scorched. One great thing to do would be for you to make a drawing of your garden and map out where the sunny spots are. If you do this then you will be able to see what can go where, and this can work to your advantage. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is go through MasterScapes Landscaping, as they can advise you on the types of plants that are available and how to plant them aesthetically.
Planting At the Wrong Time
Another huge mistake that people make is that they plant in the wrong type of year. If you plant too soon or if you plant too late then this will make it impossible for plants to flower or fruit. Beginners may be tempted to try and sow seeds early in the year when the temperatures are too cold, and this is the last thing you need. As a general rule of thumb, one thing you can do is check the growing instructions on your plants, so you know when to propagate them. With potted plants or container-grown plants- you have a bit more leeway. You can move them into a warmer climate or shade as they need it, but with that in mind, you do need to make sure that you still plant at the right times because if you don’t then this will impact the chances of your plant’s being successful.
It can be very tempting for you as a gardener to try and crowd as many plants as you can. That being said, as the plants grow, you may find that they gradually begin to outcompete one another. You may spend more time digging up your plants than you’d like. If you want to help yourself here, then make sure you pay special attention to the label so you can see how big the plant is going to grow. If you can do this, then you will be able to make enough space for it.
Forgetting to Feed Your Plants
This applies more to fruit and vegetables, but it is still a valuable point. Plants that produce food, need a monumental amount of growing energy for the main reason. The best time for you to feed your plants, such as gooseberries, squashes, potatoes and tomatoes, would be right before they are about to fruit. You can make your liquid plant food if you want, but it is much easier for you to buy some from the store. If you have perennials, then you usually don’t need to feed them as they have low nutrient requirements. Simply add mulch every other year and you are usually good to go.
Planting Too Far Away
You might have a stunning garden, and this is great, but if you find that it’s taking hours every night to keep it watered as the tap is miles away then this won’t do you any favours. If you are lucky enough to have a big garden, then add some water butts and spread out your water sources. If you can do this, then you have the security of knowing that you are never going to have to walk too far.
So, as you can see, these are the top gardening mistakes most people make. If you want to make sure that your garden is a success, then simply take note of the points listed above when the time comes for you to give your garden a bit of an overhaul.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.