Pelvic floor dysfunction can affect virtually anyone. Men and women can both experience PFD, with about half of women over the age of 80 reporting symptoms. Physical therapy Boerne offers effective therapy to counter a lowered pelvic floor and reduce the need for surgery. 

Common Issues Caused by a Lowered Pelvic Floor

A lowered pelvic floor, or prolapse, is when the hammock of muscles making up the pelvic floor weakens to the point that they can no longer support internal organs. As a result, pelvic organs such as the uterus or bladder, may bulge into the vagina (in women) or rectum (in men). 

The bulge associated with lowered organs is often the main symptom of PFD. However, it is not the only, or even the earliest, one. People concerned with a lowered pelvic floor should be aware of the following issues associated with the disorder:

  • Leaking urine or incontinence
  • Trouble defecating (straining or lack of bowel control)
  • Pain or muscle spasms in the pelvis

These symptoms can significantly impact quality of life. Pelvic floor exercises and other non-invasive treatments can help reduce symptoms of PFD. However, they must be done correctly to be effective. Seeking help from a physical therapist is an excellent way to ensure proper form.  

Benefits Of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Physical therapy techniques used to address PFD can vary, but both pelvic floor muscle exercises and biofeedback are commonly used. These work to strengthen the muscles that make up the hammock of the pelvic floor while also increasing awareness of muscle movements. A few of the benefits you may realize by attending physical therapy South Austin include:

  • Postpone surgery: Surgery may be needed to correct severely weakened pelvic floor muscles. However physical therapy for PFD can help many patients postpone surgery, or avoid it altogether. 
  • Reduce symptoms of PFD: The symptoms associated with PFD can make it difficult to live a full, active life. Proper treatment including supervised pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback to increase awareness of muscle movement can help reduce many of these symptoms. 
  • Regain the confidence to resume daily activities: Biofeedback combined with increased muscle conditioning gives many patients the confidence they need to resume normal daily activities.

A lowered pelvic floor can often be strengthened with physical therapy. However, patients should seek the advice of a medical professional before engaging in pelvic floor exercises. Done incorrectly, they may aggravate symptoms or cause additional damage. 

How Biofeedback Will Help You?

Each patient will gain different benefits from biofeedback sessions. However, the most common results include knowledge of how to relax pelvic floor muscles and improved coordination of their movements. This not only reduces symptoms of PFD, but it also helps patients to gain more benefit from pelvic floor exercises.

Many patients can benefit from physical therapy for PFD. In fact, some of the top physical therapy jobs Texas are those helping patients overcome issues related to weak or lowered pelvic floor muscles. Talk to a physical therapist to learn more about the disorder and whether physical therapy is appropriate for you.

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