You can tell if you’re thirsty to the point of dehydration. You just can’t often get adequate liquid in, no matter what you are doing or even how many liters of water you gulp down.
This is strange if you consider that dehydration occurs when the body loses more liquid than it takes in. The point is, while water can only be taken into the body in one way in your head, it can exit the body in an infinite number of ways.
Getting enough water has been a little trickier than you might assume. And, while drinking even the right amount of custom label bottled water or just 3 liters of any safe water source per day will support you, it is far from enough to keep you hydrated.
Health Issues with Dehydration
There are numerous parts of modern life that contribute to dehydration, in addition to merely not having enough water to drink. That includes coffee drinks, salty foods, too much exposure to gadgets, alcoholic drinks, diabetes, medicines, and even stress. This is a horrible thing for your eyes because your eyes consist of about half a shot of water and depend on fluid to function properly.
Let us just start with stress. Chronic stress can deplete the adrenal glands, contributing to the reduction of aldosterone, a chemical that regulates the body’s electrolyte levels. You may recognize this mechanism as exhaustion, headaches, frequent toilet breaks, and excessive thirst, among other familiar stress symptoms.
Gadgets and screens are another considerable body of liquid sappers. More precisely, the period of time people spend staring at computer monitors, smartphones, and television viewing without ever even looking up.
Screens are not extremely unhealthy for your eyes. However, just using them for extended periods of time is prone to causing visual fatigue and concerns such as dry eye syndrome. It’s become so widespread that it even has its own term, digital eye strain. It’s also well established which influences raise your chances of getting it, such as poor lighting, glare, and not trying to take sufficient rest periods or blinking enough.
As you notice, our eyes actually bear the brunt of the stress of modern living. But let’s take a closer look at the responsibility of water in our eyes and see what happens if we don’t do our part in keeping them adequately hydrated.
Eye Tears
Tears are scientifically similar to saliva in that they consist of water, mineral deposits, and fatty acids, as well as antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. However, unlike saliva, they are not all the same. You feel intense tears when enjoying a good TV series or making an argument with your spouse. Reflex tears occur when it is extremely windy or cold or while you are cutting onions. and basal tears, which are always present on the base of your eyes.
These last tears are by far the most essential for your overall eye health because they safeguard, moisturize, and nurture your eyes all day. Dehydration, on the other hand, makes it very hard for one’s eyes to ensure a healthy surface of basal tears. Initially, this may manifest as dry eyes, eye fatigue, and other vision issues. Concerningly, because dirt, dust particles, and other particles can enter your eyes more easily, they might become red and irritated, leading to severely painful and presumably eyesight-threatening infections.
Keep a Healthy Eyesight by Drinking Enough Water
Since the eye has high water content and relies heavily on liquids to work correctly, your amount of water intake is directly related to your danger of certain prevalent eye illnesses and conditions. Dry eye syndrome is the most prevalent of these. The signs of dry eye syndrome range from eye dryness and light sensitivity to tearing and extreme tiredness. The illness is also associated with a number of other diseases, including retinal blood vessel disease and other vision problems.
So keep in mind that staying hydrated extends further than your fancy water bottle. Change your lifestyle today to keep healthy eyes for tomorrow in mind. Maintain a very healthy diet that consists of foods that are good for the eyes. Integrating these meals into your everyday diet can help your eyes safeguard against eye diseases and keep your vision healthy.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.