Many people require dental implants at some point, and this is a standard procedure that should be no cause for concern.
You’ll feel more at ease about receiving dental implants if you have an idea of the steps involved and how long it will take, so let’s go through each aspect to minimize any worries you might have.
Speaking with a specialist
Your dentist will determine whether you need dental implants at a consultation, during which you’ll undergo x-ray scans to ensure that the procedure can be completed safely and successfully. Dental X-rays consist of radiations, but intensity levels are low enough to consider it safe. You may be asked to wear a lead apron as a precaution to protect the rest of your body from any exposure to radiation. You may also need to use a thyroid collar or a thyroid shield for radiation if you’re suffering from thyroid.
Remember that you’re the one who gets to decide whether to go ahead or not. The ball is very much in your court, just as it is in terms of all health-related decisions.
Removing an irreparable tooth
In the case that an implant is going to replace a severely damaged tooth that is still embedded in your gums, this will have to be removed.
Again, this procedure is incredibly common, representing a market worth almost $4 billion globally, and only requires a local anesthetic to complete. Afterward, it can take up to a month for your gums to return to a state at which an implant can be added.
Strengthening the jawbone
Some patients require bone grafting to give their jawbone the sturdiness required to accommodate an implant. Recovery from this will take anywhere from four months to a year, although it’s not something everyone will have to go through, and lower-level grafts can occur as part of the implantation process.
Placing the implant
The actual implanting of the titanium anchor in your jaw will come next and involves an incision being made in your gum so that a hole can be drilled.
Having a skilled expert perform dental implants is essential, and they’ll take care of all aspects, from initial consultation to recovery.
Once installed, it will take between three and six months for the implant to be amalgamated into the surrounding bone, giving it a robust foundation.
During this time, you may receive temporary replacement teeth to tide you over until the permanent addition is finished and ready to be affixed to the implant.
Concluding the procedure
The last step is having your permanent replacement tooth or teeth added, which first involves having an abutment screwed into the titanium housing in your jaw.
The replacement will be carefully designed to fit the exact dimensions of your mouth, and it will be placed with precision before being bonded to the abutment and your gums.
Recovering from a dental implant
You should anticipate that with each stage, a window of recovery time is needed, during which you’ll likely suffer a small level of discomfort that can be dealt with using over-the-counter pain medication or whatever other methods that your dentist recommends.
There is often quite a difference in the amount of recovery time required from patient to patient because we all heal at different speeds. It’s also worth noting that as you get older, recovery will take longer, so younger patients that need implants won’t be laid low as long as their more venerable counterparts.
Final thoughts
Always adhere to the advice and instructions given to you by your dentist when getting an implant to replace a damaged or missing tooth because no two people will require the same type of care in this context. When considering full mouth dental implants in Oklahoma City, it is crucial to choose the right dentist with expertise and experience to ensure a successful and comfortable procedure.
Also, remember that even after your implant is placed and completed, it needs to be treated with care and considered as part of the regular checkups that you have. You’ll want it to last for years, and this is only possible with a mindful approach to maintenance.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.