You might believe that your finances are incredibly boring, especially if you are planning to save money and cut out some of the activities that you love doing, such as eating out. However, your finances do not have to be dull, and the more stylish and fun you can make them, the more likely you are going to stick to your budget. As such, here are some of the top steps that you can take to ensure that your finances can put a smile on your face.

·      Look for Funky Checkbook Covers

Rather than simply opting for a boring yet practical choice for your checkbook, you should see your checkbook as part of your outfit and aesthetic. This means that you should look for funky checkbook covers that can bring your finances to life. Not only this, but a checkbook cover can protect your checks from damage and prevent them from getting lost so easily. This means that you should search the internet for personal checkbook covers that appeal to you. You might also consider investing in a well-designed wallet or purse that you will want to show off while it keeps all of your coins and cards in one place.

·      Find Novelty Credit Cards

You might be putting off ordering a new credit card. If getting a credit card is currently at the bottom of your to-do list, you can push yourself to finally apply for one by looking around for some of the novelty cards that are available. Not all of these are for kids, and these cards are likely to be objects of envy for all your friends and family. They can act as a conversation starter, as well as help you to engage in your finances and use your credit card more often. Additionally, they can put a smile on your face whenever you use them, no matter how uninspiring the purchase that you are making is.

·      Make Saving Exciting

You might put off saving money because you think that it will limit your fun and that you will soon go stir-crazy without the ability to constantly spend. Making saving money exciting can help you achieve your money goals even when the going gets tough. For instance, you might decide to set up a competition between your friends to see who can cut down the most and save the most cents. This may allow you to save without truly realizing that you are doing it. You can also make saving exciting by creating a rewards system that will allow you to treat yourself when you reach a target. By doing this, you will be ensuring that you are not restricting yourself too much or preventing yourself entirely from spending out on items that you want. Some people also decide that they want to save money using a piggy bank, in which you can drop any spare change that you have. This money adds up, and you will have the fun of smashing this bank up when you are ready to spend the coins inside.

·      Use Thrilling Apps

There are many finance apps around that make saving money fun. These finance apps might offer games that you progress through depending on how much money you have. They might also have little virtual creatures that you look after by saving money and staying in line with your financial goals. By using these apps, you will be able to train your brain to budget and look after your bank account better, all while giving you an extra dose of dopamine.

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