Reading is one of the most crucial skills that your child will need as they get older. They’ll need to learn to read so that they can get the information that will help them achieve their goals and learn how to learn.
The importance of reading for entertainment is very high, especially for those who can’t take it too seriously. However, reading is extremely important in order to communicate with others through writing. It’s also necessary to stimulate creativity and hone skill sets.
You’re on a right place. Then you want to read! We hope you enjoyed these hints and tips. If you found them useful, share them with others.
Shared reading of a personalized book fosters both a love of reading and a special tie between parent and kid, both of which are essential for good interpersonal relationships.
Personalized books are fun, but they require time and effort. At you can get storybooks, you may customize the main character by choosing a child’s name, gender, skin tone, eye color, haircut, and facial traits. However, you might also want to think about creating an entirely unique cover for your book.

From the age of 0 to 12 months
Your baby has always been awake. It’s just that now you can see them and hear them.
Your baby will start to recognize you from a distance by about the first week of life, and will actually smile when you approach him.
Your baby will begin to follow moving objects with his/her eyes over the next 10-12 weeks, particularly toys and books with bright, bold, geometric patterns. Only black, white, and grey are visible to newborns.
In fact, a baby’s eyes do not open until the child is about five months old, and this is why it takes such a long time for them to gain their full-color vision. Until then, babies primarily focus on what is in front of them.
When your baby is 3-6 months old, or when they can focus on something like a mirror or a toy, it’s time to start reading books to them. As your baby gets used to the rhythm and flow of the day, from feeding to sleeping, try to incorporate reading books with them into their routine.
Tips and tricks:
When reading to your baby, talk about what they are seeing in each picture. If the book has a map, discuss what city or town is depicted in the picture. Also, when they see the vehicle in the picture, point out different kinds of cars. As they grow older, you can teach them how to count, and the more you talk, the easier it will be for them to communicate.
Read to your children and be patient when they ask questions. Don’t rush into answering their questions or respond by saying, “I don’t know.” If you talk to them at key times (while eating, for example), they’ll develop a more inquisitive nature and ask more questions about what they’re seeing.
Between the ages of 2 and 3 years
Children can begin learning about their environment and the world around them at an early age through the interaction they have with their parents. While children are still in their childhood years, they tend to want to play in their surroundings and enjoy activities such as reading, eating, and playing games. They also have an interest in books.
Toddlers learn by doing. If we don’t give them a chance to practice a particular skill, they might never learn it at all. Books and videos that tell us stories are one of our favorite ways to expose our kids to new ideas and skills so that they can practice. Storybooks are a great way to help children learn about real world issues. You can read storybooks at, which helps children make connections with the real world. They also have a large selection of storybooks that are designed to teach children about social-emotional learning (SEL).
Tips & tricks:
Books featuring flaps and tabs are excellent for encouraging reading and developing fine motor skills in young children. The flap is usually the front cover, and the tab is on the back. The next step is to ask your child what they anticipate will happen next when they are reading a book to you.
Allow them to begin the following sentence in the book by stopping at the end of a sentence. This may work better if they already have a general idea of the novel or series you are writing. It also works well if you can share your ideas about what happens in the novel ahead of time.
Ages 4 years and up
At this age, your child could be able to read simple books alone. They’ll most likely choose their own favorite book and try to read it along with you. Continue to read to your child, however, since this will motivate them even more, and they will benefit from your use of intonation and various accents. Continue reading to them because it will motivate them and it will help them understand the language.
Tips and Tricks:
A great way to engage children in learning about writing is to get them involved in telling a story or acting out a scene. By simply listening and taking notes, you can have a story to share with the children later. As they tell their stories, it will be easier for them to remember what happened as well as how to tell a good story.
Discuss with your child what might happen next? as you read the story. This will help your kid understand the story by enabling them to see how a story progresses and where things may go in the future.
Passion for Reading
To get your kids reading as they age, start them young. Pick something to read for yourself, such as a newspaper or a magazine. It doesn’t matter what you’re reading, whether it’s a newspaper or a cookbook, a computer manual or a poem. The only thing that matters is that it gets your kid reading.
Also, help get your kids involved. You can help them by reading a recipe as you’re cooking it or reading out the ingredients and directions to them as you’re cooking. This is a good way to get your kids interested in cooking. Another idea is to send each child a recipe and then get them to write a short story about their experience of making it.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.