Whether your frames snapped in half, your prescription is outdated, or you’re just ready for a new look, getting new glasses, you have to think about part functionality, part fashion. This purchase can be stressful for some and can lead to buyer’s remorse or just going through your day with a compromised vision. Don’t let your next pair be too fashionable to wear comfortably or too comfortable to wear fashionably.
Eyeglass Frames for Your Facial Shape
There is nothing wrong with wanting reading or permanent eyeglasses that offer all of the above as well as flatter the shape of your face. Click on your face shape below to see what styles will definitely make you look the very best you can be.
Here’s a guide to help you find the right frames for your face shape and look and feel like yourself!
Your shape is curvy and lacks the angles of the others, so geometric frames will add more distinct lines to create a balance.
Your face lacks angles and is pretty much the same length in width and height, so to offset this, you should choose strong geometric or angular frames. Wide rectangles and dark colors are your best friends because they create structure and definition while drawing attention away from your soft jawline. Avoid round frames unless they’re part of your Harry Potter Halloween costume.
Your face is very angular because the width and length are proportional. The right style will help soften those lines.
To downplay the strong angles of your face or jaw, go for a pair of low-profile frames. You will look best in frames that are either circular or are broad across the top and rounded on the bottom. A frame that is wide on top will minimize the width of your jawline. Soften your angular features by choosing frames that are lighter in color. Tans and off-whites tend to look better on you than dark browns and blacks. Neutral is a good way to go and will pair nicely with all your outfits.
Your face broadens from chin to forehead, so you should add width to your chin to give balance to your face.
To balance out your pointed chin, try frames that are bottom-heavy or broader along the bottom. Wireframes or thin plastic and light metals work well for you, as do rimless glasses. If it’s too minimalist for your taste, go with small frames but a bolder earpiece so you can still let your personality shine but still create a perfectly framed look for your face.
If your face is longer than it is wide, you need glasses that don’t elongate your face even more. Try frames that are deeper or taller than they are wide, such as aviators. Slightly oversized frames or round frames work well, too, since you’re trying to break up the length of your face. Avoid any overly narrow, rectangular shapes. Find a color and style that suit your coloring as well since this can make or break any everyday look.
You were born under a lucky star as your facial shape is naturally proportioned. Any frame will look good on you. The most popular of which is square or rectangle.
Your face is ideal for almost any type of frame, so feel free to experiment with cat-eye shapes, horn-rimmed specs, or perfect circles. To keep your perfect proportions intact, pick frames that are just a bit wider than they are deep. Avoid any styles that are way too big or way too small since the medium shapes will keep your face in perfect balance.
Remember, the best glasses for your face shape will always create a contrast between your features and the frames. Unless you opt for Lasik surgery or contact lenses, your glasses are a part of you.
An optometrist, Dr. Brian Davis, says even if you mostly wear contacts, you’ll still need glasses occasionally, so use them to enhance your natural appearance. You can go funky and colorful or stay on the neutral minimalist style, but find a frame you love and will pair it with any outfit.
The key is to pay attention to shape and form. Once you have the shape, the rest of your look will fall into place. Don’t make it a choice between fashion and function. You can find a happy medium when you know what to look for.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.