Once upon a time, 17-year-old me bought a Chanel eyeshadow quad. It had such beautiful shades–deep navy, pale pink, rich cornflower blue, and shimmery white. At the time, I was working a retail job at my local mall and did not exactly drop tons of dollars on beauty products. This was therefore a pretty big deal to me (though I think it would still be a big deal considering those four-color palettes are literally $60). I imagined myself wearing makeup like Sophia Loren–deep, dark, devastatingly dramatic. (I was in high school, remember?) Knowing how gorgeous most things Chanel creates are, I assumed that these too would be wonderful in quality.
I was wrong! It was awful. The colors were so sad and dull. They were sheer, but not in a good way. And that navy shade I was so stoked for? It looked like somebody took a bit of ash, mixed it with blue Koolaid, and rubbed it on my eyelids. Or possibly like those department store “deals” during the holidays when some random off-brand will make a “palette” that has 80 colors, but they all just look gray.
TL;DR, I wasn’t into it. Perhaps their makeup is better now, but at the time, I was thoroughly disappointed.
On the bright side, some beauty products are genuinely worth the money. However, there are plenty out there that you should just avoid altogether. We want to know which ones to try and which to warn others about.
What was the biggest beauty product disappointment you’ve ever experienced? Whether it was a cult fave that didn’t live up to its reputation or a beauty splurge that just wasn’t worth it, tell us about it in the comments!
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.