They call your name, and the host drapes the sash around your shoulder. Last year’s place a crown on your head.

You can envision yourself being a beauty pageant contestant. You just don’t know what you’d do when you got there. And getting there’s a problem, too—you’re not even sure how to enter a pageant, either.

Luckily, we have a few tips to get you onto the stage and, perhaps, closer to the crown.

How toaHow to Enter Your First Beauty Pageant Enter Your First Beauty Pageant

1. How to Enter a Pageant

Every pageant’s entry requirements will be different. Start your search by finding the Best Beauty Pageant for you to enter. Then, take a look at what’s required for you to register.

Most pageants will require you to fill out a form about yourself so that they can put you in the right age or experience group, for example. And many contests will have you pay a deposit to secure your place.

2. Ace Your Posture and Poise

Now that you know you’re in a pageant, it’s time to prepare to be on stage. Have a look at yourself in the mirror. Could your posture use a little bit of work?

Before you enter a beauty pageant, you’ll want to make standing up straight your norm. It looks better on stage, and it projects the confidence you’ll want to show as you compete—more on that later.

Your walk may also need some work. You’ll find plenty of tutorials online, or you can hire a pageant coach to help you with both your poise and on-stage strut.

3. Practice Each Pageant Section

One of the best ways to prepare for a beauty pageant is to, well, prepare. You will probably know the contest sections before you compete.

Let’s say there will be a talent section, a fashion section, and an interview. Work on your talent daily so you’re comfortable with it when you hit the stage. The same goes for your fashion walk, as discussed above.

You can practice the interview section, too. Have someone ask you common interview questions and rehearse your answers. You can’t predict what the judges will ask, but having that experience of going off the cuff and answering confidently will help you immensely.

4. Sleep Well and Feel Confident

The night before your pageant, you should try your best to rest. You don’t want to get on stage if you’re tired or groggy. You might struggle to think when it comes time to answer those interview questions, for example.

If you feel confident in yourself and your preparation, you’ll find it easier to sleep the night before you compete. And on the big day, you should feel proud of yourself when you hit the stage, no matter what happens. You worked hard to make it where you are—enjoy it, and the crowd and judges will respond accordingly.

Get Your Crown

Now you know how to enter a pageant and, perhaps, how to win. All there’s left to do is put your name in the hat and try your luck. Who knows? You could walk away with the crown.

Need any fashion advice along the way? Be sure to check back with us if you need style tips for all occasions.

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