If you’re like me and everyone I know, you’re moving into a new apartment this weekend and probably want to punch everyone and everything in sight. Happy long weekend!
Something about putting all of my possessions into bubble wrap and boxes that always seem to break, scrubbing my new apartment, which apparently has never been cleaned before, making countless trips up and down the stairs while dropping something on every landing, multiple trips to Target, and assembling Ikea furniture makes me feel absolutely disgusting.
Moving makes me feel simultaneously filthy, sweaty, oily, and dry. I’ve moved five times in five years, and every time I end up sore, faint, and feeling like I never want to see another human soul for as long as I live. Unfortunately, moving involves quite a bit of human interaction–meeting the new neighbors, Costco runs, and the seven trips to the bagel shop across the street to carb up. Normally, I look like a sweaty swamp monster, and I feel self-conscious during each of these interactions. Just what I need when I’m up to my eyeballs in Clorox wipes and bubble wrap.
This time around, I prepared with a few tools to try to combat the overall ick-factor of moving. It’s hard and frustrating enough–I don’t need my body betraying me too by somehow producing more oil than humans are usually capable of while also drying and painfully cracking. Here are six essential beauty tips and products to make your move just a little easier, and here’s to hoping that this time next year, I’ll renew my lease and stay put.
Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm
While I certainly don’t wear makeup while moving, a little tinted lip balm goes a long way to making me look a little more human. My lips also tend to become unbearably dry (is it all the huffing and puffing up the stairs?), so I keep this guy in my pocket to rehydrate throughout the day.
Crown Braids
This super simple style keeps all of my hair out of my face without pulling or giving me the headache I sometimes get from a top knot. This tutorial is super easy, and I would recommend pinning your bangs to the side if you have them.
Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion
Nothing dries out my skin more than harsh cleaning supplies. I’ve been using Aveeno lotion ever since I got the chickenpox in the fourth grade, and this is my absolute favorite. Keep this by the sink and apply it every time you wash some chemical cleaners off your hands.
Boscia Blotting Linens
Moving is sweaty work, and I can’t stand to feel even the tiniest bit of oil on my face. I love that these are scented with green tea and are slightly larger than most other brands.
Mr. Clean Ultra-Grip Latex Gloves
I wouldn’t call these a beauty product per se, but I was a dumbass and gave myself a rare nice manicure right before moving. These kept my nails in tact and cut down on the cracking fingertips while scrubbing out my new bathtub.
Clinique Acne Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask
At the end of the day, throw yourself onto your new bed and relax with a face mask. You can go to bed feeling squeaky clean and like this unbelievably shitty and sweaty day didn’t leave a permanent scar. I love that this clay mask makes my skin feel clean and oil-free but not at all dry. A lot goes a LONG way, so at $22 per container, it’s an affordable luxury. You deserve it.
Beauty Expert & Hairstylist, Contributing Editor
Dorothy has been a beauty fanatic since she was a preteen growing up in a small Idaho town. She honed her makeup and hair skills on her willing mother and she’s a pro with a pair of tweezers, having fixed many a friend’s unibrow in college. Susan believes the true secret to beauty comes from within, but the right application of mascara and lipstick can help.