Body Basics

In the world of makeup, most of the time is spent concentrating on the face. But we shouldn’t overlook the great products for the body, including your hair. There is an entire arsenal of items you can explore, from body scrub and moisturizer to maintenance items and hair color to self-tanner and even body makeup.

Body Basics

Body Tips

Sometimes we tend to forget about our bodies when we think about makeup, but there are so many products available to make our entire body look just as great. From scars to stretch marks, spider veins, uneven skin tone or whatever gets under your skin makeup can help give you the skin you’ve always wanted.

Self Tanners and Bronzers

Self-tanners or bronzers are the ideal way to achieve a “back from the beach” look without baking your skin. There is a very wide variety of tanners and bronzers available, so jump in and get ready to glow.


Not sure how to apply self-tanner properly? Confused on which shade or brand to use for your skin tone? Well, look no further because the help is here. Browse through the wide variety of How-tos and tips on how to achieve a great tan, no matter what the situation.

  • Easing Your Way into Self Tanner: If you are a self-tanning virgin, then it can be both overwhelming and also scary at the same time. But if you are still longing to get rid of that pale winter skin and strut your stuff this summer with a great looking safe tan, there is hope. There are a few great products you can use when you are beginning to self-tan, and they help to ease your way into using a regular self-tanner.
  • Intro and Preparing Your Skin for the Self Tanner: It’s that time of year again. Spring is here, and our skin has been left pale and lifeless because of winter. Before you even think of hitting the beach or stepping foot into a swimsuit, you should think of using a self-tanner. After all, you don’t want to blind everybody with your bright, pale, winter skin.

Top Bargains and Splurges

With a never-ending list of cosmetic companies and products, how can you know which ones you should splurge on? Which of the less costly products are good enough to buy and wear? You can’t have it all, but at least you have a place to start.

  • Top Self Tanner Splurges and Deals: Springtime is here, and it is officially time to get rid of the winter blahs. It’s time to think about fun in the sun and getting ready to squeeze into your new bikini. But first, you need to think of preparing your skin for the show. Let’s face it, after long dreary winter your skin can look pretty lifeless. So what can you do? Let’s play it safe and grab a bottle of self-tanner; then you can get ready to shop for that new hot bathing suit.
  • 5 Best Makeup Buys From The Drugstore: Buying makeup at the drugstore can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. With my easy guide to the best products currently available, shopping for makeup at the drugstore has never been so fun!

Product Reviews

Ever wonder how certain self-tanners stand up? Don’t want to rush out and buy that new product without knowing how good it is first? I’m here to help answer these questions with my straightforward reviews of new and not so new products. Now you will know whether to spend your hard-earned money or save it for an even better must-have later on.