What are you waiting for? I know you’ve always wanted a pastel hair color. You’re envious of Easter eggs. You’ve used enough hair chalk that people think you’re trying to turn into a blackboard. It’s time, girl. To get you started on your journey to looking like a beautiful bitchin’ mermaid, here are 10 awesome video tutorials!
(Related: How To Do Those Crazy Crown Braids)
1. Pastel Pink Bob Tutorial by MilesJaiProductions.
Miles shows us how to do a fun dip dye look to a wig. This tutorial is great for anyone who’s not ready to commit to a bright color full-time, or for anyone who can only get away with having pink hair outside of work or school.
2. Pastel Pink Coral Hair Tutorial by Brittany Balyn.
I love love love the finished look from this tutorial, and I really appreciate that the video takes us through every single step. I have similar coloring to Brittany, so this look is pretty tempting for me!
3. Pastel Purple Hair Tutorial by Keari Huxtable.
Why shouldn’t you have purple hair? Keari shows us how to get a look that’s both dramatic and, somehow, subtle. That’s hard to pull off!
4. Pretty Pastel Pink Hair Tutorial by Tessarr Goad.
This look is extra comic booky, so I’d recommend following this tutorial if you’re looking to get the perfect color for a cosplay or costume. (And on an unrelated but totally necessary note, how great is her shower curtain?)
5. Pastel Mermaid Ombre.
I reject the notion that Vanessa Hudgens should get to be the only human mermaid in the world. This look is freaking beautiful, and it pretty much guarantees that no one can call you boring!
6. Pastel Blue Hair Tutorial by NeverShoutNeesey.
I love that this video shows us what these kinds of colors look like as they fade. The blue she started off with was gorgeous, but I’m even more into the teal color it turned into overtime.
7. Mint Pastel Hair Tutorial by Brittany Balyn.
You have to be ultra-talented to make it onto a list like this TWICE, and Brittany definitely fits the bill. I can’t decide if I like this look or the pink one better. It’s impossible to choose!
8. Mermaid Pastel Ombre Hair Tutorial by Rachael Elizabeth.
No two mermaids are alike (didn’t you learn anything from Ariel’s sisters?), so you should always watch more than one mermaid tutorial before deciding how to do your ombre hair!
9. How to dye your hair pastel lilac/ lavender/ violet by Helen Melonlady.
It’s kind of a given that I’m going to like any girl with purple hair. If you can make this look work for you, you’re my heroine. Helen’s killing it!
10. How to get pastel hair (From dark Asian hair) by lazybumToT.
This tutorial is especially helpful because the majority of pastel videos on YouTube are more suited to girls with naturally light hair. Who says you have to start off blonde?
Beauty Expert & Hairstylist, Contributing Editor
Dorothy has been a beauty fanatic since she was a preteen growing up in a small Idaho town. She honed her makeup and hair skills on her willing mother and she’s a pro with a pair of tweezers, having fixed many a friend’s unibrow in college. Susan believes the true secret to beauty comes from within, but the right application of mascara and lipstick can help.