Hey, Brunettes, are you ready to do something different with your hair but are not sure what? Why not try highlighting? Brown hair with blonde highlights is one of the hottest looks, and it works beautifully in the summer to give you the perfect sun-kissed look.
There are many different variations of this look, and the possibilities are endless. If you want a bold new look, try adding platinum highlights. If you want a more natural look, go for some that are just slightly lighter than your brown hair. You can also use a few different colors to create looks that are as unique as you are.
The important thing to remember when choosing the perfect look is to figure out whether you have a warm or cool skin tone. There are many different ways of figuring your skin tone out, but one of the easiest is to just look at the veins visible in your arm. If they look decidedly green, you have a warm skin tone with yellow undertones. Those with blue veins are considered to have a cool skin tone.
When you are choosing hair color, you should choose one that complements your skin tone. Even though you may love brown hair with honey blonde highlights, if you do not have the right skin tone for it, you could end up looking older, washed out, and like you really need to get some rest.
Once you know what your skin tone is, you can start trying to decide which blonde highlights will look best in your hair. The general rule of thumb is to choose a color that is within two shades of your natural color. If you have light or cooler skin tones, your brown hair will look the best with strawberry blonde highlights or even warmer red tones.
If you have a warm skin tone, you have plenty of colors to choose from. You can have brown hair with caramel highlights, or you can even choose a luscious auburn color. You should remember, however, that dark brown hair with blonde highlights might not look the best. The pale blonde highlights will bring out the yellowness of your skin.
Can you have blonde highlights on brown hair?
There are lots of different ways to wear blonde highlights in brown hair. Once you know the color combination you want to use, you need to take a good look at how you normally wear your hair. If you have shorter hair, highlights that frame your face will really make your features pop.
If you are going with highlights that are much lighter than your natural color, make sure to do those farther away from your face, so you do not end up looking washed out.
Another great look is to highlight specific parts of your hair. Brown hair with blonde highlights over just your bangs can be a fun look, or you can do the under sections of your hair with the brown falling over it. Either way, you just need to make sure that your highlighted areas follow the normal way your hair falls. You should try to follow your normal part so that your highlights are noticeable yet subtle when you do your hair.
Blonde ombre on brown hair
Ombre highlighting is a hot look for brown hair as well. For these highlights, your hair is kept darker at the top, with blonde highlights added as you move down the length of your hair. This look can be very subtle, or you can choose to let the blonde highlights get considerably lighter all the way down. This look is hot, but it can be difficult to do on your own.
If you have never highlighted your hair by yourself, you should probably visit a salon to have this done. When it is done right, you get a gorgeous fall of color. If it is done wrong, you will end up looking like you are trying to grow out a bad dye job.
If you decide to do the blonde highlights on brown hair at home, you need to make sure to follow all of the directions exactly. Since your hair is dark, you will have to use bleach to get it to a lighter shade. Bleach can be very damaging to hair, and repeatedly using it in the same spots can result in your hair breaking off.
Bleach also dries hair out, so you need to make sure to take proper care after you add your blonde highlights. You will need to use a good conditioner every time you shampoo, and it is best to choose one for dry or damaged hair to help replace the moisture that the bleach takes out.
If your hair is already damaged from repeated dying, you may want to go for a darker blonde highlight in your brown hair. They will not be quite as noticeable, but your hair will not end up nearly as damaged. This will usually result in a sun-kissed shade that looks like you have spent your days at the beach, which is the perfect look for those who want something to brighten up their look.
Brown hair with blonde highlights can look stunning when you take the time to do it right. If you truly want to make sure you get the best color combination that matches your skin tone, you should visit your local salon.
Hairstylists have the training to not only help you find the perfect shade but also to help make the best use of your hair. They can help you figure out the best placement to get the look you love and make your best features stand out.
If you have ever been told that you are stuck with your brown hair, forget all of that. Brown hair with blonde highlights is one of the hottest looks right now, no matter whether you are a celebrity or just want to feel like one. There are so many different shades to choose from you are sure to find the best look for you and your lifestyle.
Highlights for Dark Brown Hair at Home
You can achieve highlights for dark brown hair at home. There are some natural ways you can lighten your hair without doing any damage to it.
If you have dark brown hair, you know how difficult it can be to achieve a specific color of highlights, especially if you want very light highlights. Don’t fret; you can achieve highlights for dark brown hair at home. There are some natural ways you can lighten your hair without doing any damage to it.
Just follow these simple steps and home remedies to get the best results. Some people have very sensitive skin, and the harshness of hair dyes can cause their skin to burn very badly. Natural remedies are the best way to go if you have very sensitive skin.
Take a look at the remedies listed here to find one that best suits your needs. They are listed in order from most effective to the least irritating. The cost is a lot cheaper than having your hair done by a professional, and the results give you a more natural look.
Lemon Juice: An old trick that women have used for a long time is lemon juice. You can apply it with a spray bottle on a daily basis. The juice, along with the sun, will add beautiful tones to your hair over an extended period of time. This is a great idea if you get lots and lots of exposure to the sun. Hey, if you live on a beach, I’m jealous! Seriously though, take advantage of those sun rays and the ocean.
Peroxide: You can also spray peroxide on your hair. The peroxide removes pigment, but slowly. I recommend this on a daily basis as well. Don’t worry; hydrogen peroxide won’t damage your hair. This is one of the most effective ways to remove pigment from your hair but be careful if you don’t want dramatic results. If you just want subtle tones, use them only a couple of times a week.
Shampoos: There are shampoos created exclusively to add natural-looking brilliance to your hair. They come in different shades of blonde, brown, and even auburn. You can add favorable highlights to brown hair with the one that is specified for blondes. Just because the bottle says it is for another hair color does not mean you can’t use it! Here is a little hint; shampoo that is made for curly hair can give you volume when used on straight, limp hair.
Rhubarb: I have heard that you can add chopped rhubarb to boiling water to create a hair-lightening formula. You just rinse your hair with it after shampooing. It takes several rinses, so you may want to make quite a bit of this concoction and let it flow back into another container so that you can reuse it. The odor is what stops a lot of people from using this one. You can add it to your detangling spray with some perfume so that it is not so pungent.
Chamomile Tea: Rinsing your hair with this tea several times a week will supposedly lighten darker hair. I have never tried it, but I guess it’s worth a shot. It seems the best way to take advantage of the lightning agents in chamomile would be to add it to your shampoo or conditioner. Chamomile smells great! It also promotes hair growth when used on the roots, so I suggest this for those who want to grow their hair.
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.