Summertime humidity can wreak havoc on your hair—here are 9 hairstyles to try out when that happens!
If you’re anything like me, your hair is not the biggest fan of Summer. The heat and humidity often leave it dry and frizzy, and even your greatest efforts to smooth it out before leaving the apartment are defeated the second you head out in the great outdoors. For the longest time, I felt as though I had no other choice but to resort to pulling my locks back into a fluffy ponytail or bumpy, frizzed-out topknot, and guys, it was not a cute look. I’m also one of those people who feels like they look like a balding man when they pull their hair back too tight, but that’s not important right now. What is important is that there are plenty of hairstyles out there that are perfect for frizzy summer hair!
I’ll be the first to admit that, no, these aren’t exactly going to be effortless looks. People like you and me who suffer from what I like to call Somewhat-Shitty-Summer-Hair-itis are going to have to spend a bit more time fighting without hair to keep it looking neat and fun—that much is inevitable. However, once you’ve invested the five to ten minutes some of these styles require, you’ll be worrying about your frizz less and enjoying your summer more! Added bonus: Lots of these styles keep your hair off your neck and shoulders, so you’ll be cooler, too!
Here are 9 hair ideas for when Summer frizz gets the best of you:
1. Headband With A Twist
This is one of my all-time favorite styles, simply because of how easy it is to put together. Just grab your favorite headband (flowered or otherwise), and wrap your hair around the back of it until it stays snugly in place. A totally adorable boho look with nary a bobby pin in sight!
2. A Girly Topknot
Ever since I’ve grown my hair out, I’ve loved putting it up in a topknot. I have pretty thin hair, so the longer it is, the thicker I can make the bun. This particular version is braided first, then twisted around itself, but you can go braid-free if you want to avoid the hassle. Wrap a ribbon around it or clip in a bow and call it a day.
3. The Double Braid
You may recognize this from Heather’s awesome post on hairstyles for second and third-day hair, but it also works for summer frizz! I’d be lying to you if I said I thought that this style didn’t require some practice, but once you’ve got it down, you’re pretty much set for the rest of the summer.
4. A Simple Fishtail
This is definitely the best choice if you just want to keep your hair up and off your neck. The braid keeps all of your hair in place, the height keeps it off of your neck and shoulders, and you can make it as neat or messy as you want! Plus this really does work for all hair types and lengths.
5. A Bob/Lob
This is, admittedly, not a solution for the faint of heart or those who fear change, but if you’re a curly girl and just want to let your hair run wild, there’s no better time than the present to go in for a professional chop. My sister actually just cut her hair in a similar fashion, and, as evidenced in the photo above, it’s pretty great. Oh, and if you’re looking for any ginger hair inspo, look no further.
6. Go Full-Rosie The Riveter
I haven’t been too pro-scarf/bandana since I stopped wearing them in the sixth grade, but considering how unruly my hair gets in the heat, I may start. The bandana actually keeps things pretty neat, and it’s a cute way to spice up your everyday ponytail or bun.
7. A Gloriously Messy Bun
You know those girls you see at the beach with the perfect messy bun? The ones you stare at with all of the hair envy in the world? This is how they get that look. And, BTW, if your hair is gonna be messy from frizz anyway, might as well take advantage of it!
8. A Hairline Braid/Twist
If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind the frizz in general but doesn’t like the little wispy baby hairs that stick out all around your forehead, then just twist your hair back at the hairline, or, if you’re feeling particularly fancy, go for a classic French or waterfall braid.
9. Enhance Your Natural Texture With Sea Salt Spray
For all the complaining that I do about my hair in the summer, there are just days where I’m completely unwilling to really do anything to it. Those are the days for sea salt spray. It gives your hair a great natural texture and a nice beach-y feel, so long as you don’t touch it too much. Seriously, the worst thing you can do with sea salt-sprayed hair is run your hands through it—you won’t like how it looks at the end of the day. Trust me. I like to use Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray or Bumble and bumble Surf Spray.
What Is The Best Hair Product For Fighting Frizz?
You probably have to deal with the occasional flyaways but with a little heat and humidity your hair can puff up into a massive ball of frizz. It’s the time of year when you want to wear your hair up all the time so you don’t have to deal with it fluffing up. We have to update our makeup bag with sweat-proof and waterproof makeup formulas but we also need to reconsider the hair products we’re using in the warmer weather. Frizz-fighting formulas are definitely added to our shopping lists. What frizz-taming product is your favorite?
One multipurpose hair product I like to use is L’Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Multi-Restorative Dry Oil, $6.99. The ends of my hair are naturally on the dry side compared to my oilier roots and this hair oil keeps my ends looking good between haircuts. It nourishes parched locks, helps improve the look of split ends, and tames frizz. Best of all, it costs less than $10. I wouldn’t use it on your roots if they get frizzy because it would probably make your scalp feel very gross. However, if you want to tame frizz from a few inches below the roots and down, it does a great job.
In this open thread, we want to know: What is the best hair product for fighting frizz? Let us know in the comments!
Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion. She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.