Many people today are drawn into changing their hairstyles as the mood takes them. Most often, hair relaxers were used to straighten and make their hair look more tame than usual. It had even seemed an ordinary and helpful solution for those who are born with glorious curls.

However, since many studies and cases about these hair relaxers have been in the news for some time, it might be best to get more info about them before you sit in for your next salon session.

What Are These Chemical Hair Relaxers?

When people discovered the possibility of straightening unruly curls, various methods were born, like heat methods and chemical formulations. It was even believed that even ancient Egyptians used a mixture of lime and water just to relax their hair.

Since then, they have been using natural, traditional, and non-chemical ways of straightening and relaxing their hair, which are usually attached to self-care and wellness. However, those natural methods cannot provide the same level of straightening as chemical relaxers that are often preferred by those individuals with very curly or kinky hair. 

They’re known to contain chemicals like sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, guanidine hydroxide, or ammonium thioglycolate. These are chemicals trusted to break the disulfide bonds in your curly hair, allowing it to be reshaped into a straighter form.

As more people get to use them, various complaints have been raised. As kept tab by the team at Lawsuit Legal News and other law groups, many individuals are believed to have developed cancer from frequent chemical hair relaxer applications. Allegedly, they were harmed, got sick, and, in one way or another, suffered because of the ill effects of these relaxers.

Though pretrials and discovery are ongoing, thousands more complaints have been filed across the United States. That is why, the next time you think of relaxing your hair, take a second and consider these issues.

Are They Really Effective?

Because of the chemicals, these relaxers can be effective in straightening your hair, but the results may vary and are quite subjective. It basically depends on factors like your hair type, texture, and the skill of the person applying the product to your hair. 

Generally, however, they can give you temporary straightening effects that may last until new hair growth occurs. So, unless they get longer, you’ll enjoy that angelic straight hair that you love on you.

Some Safety Concerns

For a while, chemical hair relaxers may achieve the results you want, but there are safety concerns associated with their use. Accordingly, the chemicals in these products can be harsh and may cause scalp irritation, especially for people with sensitive scalps or skin. Hair breakage or even chemical burns were also reported if they were not used properly.

Additionally, studies revealed that prolonged use of these chemical relaxers can lead to damage and weakening of the hair shaft. These issues were already raised in the ongoing trials and from the submitted complaints by those who suffered because of these relaxers.


You may have considered these insights here and given some thought about the experiences of those who were reportedly harmed by these chemical relaxers. While it may still be early to confirm whether they’re effective or safe for you, it might be best to take precautions and lie low from these chemicals for a while. 

There’s not much harm when you’re on the safer side of the ramp, you know. So it’s best not to start if you haven’t started it on your hair yet. It might be helpful to know that while some really wanted to straighten their curls, many are just as excited about getting some hair makeover–with gloriously bouncing curls!

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