What Is The Best Under-Eye Cream

In the immortal words of Anna Faris, the eyes are the nipples of the face. But what eye cream is best to protect them?

“The eyes are the nipples of the face,” said Anna Faris in the immortal work of art that is The House Bunny. Unfortunately, the skin around the eyes is also very thin and fragile and one of the first places to start looking a bit torn up as we get older, or even just as we stay up all night drinking cheap champagne and watching Netflix. So eye cream is a good thing to have to help keep that area moisturized. But which eye cream is the best?

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For those of us who like the cheap route, there’s always the option of just using whatever cream you are using on your face under your eyes. Grocery store products like argan oil or coconut oil are just great. Just try to avoid getting anything actually in your eyes. I’m sure there’s a health food blogger out there who says contact lenses are a tool of Big Pharma and all you have to do is put coconut oil in your eyes to see properly, but that sounds like an awful idea to me.

From there, we have a number of eye creams. My dermatologist used to recommend Olay Regenerist, and I used their eye cream for a while. But honestly, I have always been pretty bad about remembering to use eye cream. I just smoosh my regular moisturizer up there and hope for the best.

One thing about under-eye cream that is good is that it reminds you to pay particular attention to the under-eye area. Rather than just sleepily smearing stuff all over your face and pulling on the delicate skin under your eyes, a tiny, precious tube or jar of under-eye cream says, “Wait! Take your time! Apply me under your eye in gentle patting motions with your pinky finger.”

Because we’re fantasy shopping here and money is no object, please feel free to suggest the stupidly expensive as well as the all-natural and the drugstore products. One time I was even able to try Creme De La Mer’s eye cream. It was a tiny sample about the size of the tip of my pinky finger, and I was able to eke it out for almost a month. It seemed quite nice, but I did not repurchase for obvious reasons. (When I spend 200 euros on under-eye cream, you will know I have either won the Lottery or gone completely insane. I hope it will be the former.)

I should really get in the habit of using a good under-eye cream, though. What eye cream do you like best? Let us know in the comments.

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