Tips For Choosing Hypoallergenic Jewelry

Jewelry takes a top-ranking spot among the accessories that can complement the outfits you wear. Unfortunately, not everyone can tolerate all types of jewelry because of skin sensitivity. The reaction of the skin could be due to a metal allergy. In this case, you can opt for hypoallergenic jewelry that is safe for different skin types. Here are tips for selecting the right hypoallergenic jewelry for you.   

  1. Avoid Jewelry Containing Nickel 

The market is filled with all sorts of jewelry. However, some are produced with a certain amount of nickel. Due to nickel being stronger than gold, manufacturers are using it to reinforce jewelry pieces. But the availability of the metal also produces detrimental symptoms such as an allergic reaction to nickel. 

It takes a few minutes for the nickel-sensitive wearer to realize that they’re experiencing the uncomfortable itchiness accompanied by redness. According to board-certified dermatologists, constant exposure to nickel can even make people with healthy skin develop an allergy through continuous exposure, regardless of age. That said, those who continue to get a rash must immediately replace their jewelry. Furthermore, ensure you purchase jewelry such as a pendant necklace, earrings, and bracelets from reputable brands.

  1. Try Palladium Alloys 

If you have noticed your skin turning green, you are allergic to brass or nickel. That’s a typical sign that you have sensitive skin. Alloys are metals made up of two or more types of metallic elements. Additionally, copper is also a common allergen often used in jewelry. Pieces of jewelry containing these metals undergo the process of oxidation, wherein exposure to oxygen forms particles that turn your skin green.   

Switch to jewelry containing palladium instead. Palladium is among the newest materials emerging in the jewelry trend right now. It is a white metal strongly associated with platinum and is also hypoallergenic. It’s also more affordable than platinum because of its lesser density.  

  1. Learn About Your Skin’s Sensitivities 

People’s skin responds differently when it comes to metals used in jewelry. Many will suffer from similar reactions or sensitivities. Some individuals will have allergic reactions to low-quality metals or alloys, while some will have sensitivities to metals used in jewelry.

what is hypoallergenic jewelry

So, check the jewelry you have or will purchase. You will need to avoid nickel jewelry if it’s causing you allergies. If you’re buying stainless steel jewelry, purchase it from reputable brands. Some manufacturers still add nickel or iron to the pieces, causing rashes to the wearer—making it crucial to buy jewelry from reputable sources as they will make suitable investments.

  1. Use A Metal Testing Kit 

If you’d like to be sure about what types of metals are in your jewelry, you can purchase a metal testing kit to test the purity of the metals. These kits have a set of liquid solutions for rubbing on the metal parts of jewelry. You just have to wet a cotton ball with the liquid solution, then rub it on any part of the jewelry. The liquid solution will change color if it detects a specific type of metal on the piece.  

You can purchase metal testing kits for jewelry for around USD$50 at popular online markets. If you’ve bought jewelry and are unsure about the authenticity of the alloys, or if you’ve been keeping vintage heirloom jewelry, you can use the kit on them.  

  1. Know The Best Metals For Your Jewelry 

The best way to avoid metals from which you can get skin allergies is to know the types of metals safe for your skin. A fraction of the population suffers from metal allergies, which is why hypoallergenic metals are being introduced into the market. These metals are non-reactive and have proven biocompatibility. That means in their purest state, they can coexist with the human body in peace.  

When buying jewelry, make sure that it is made from the following: 

  • Niobium 
  • Titanium 
  • 24K Platinum 
  • 24K Gold 

Remember that these metals cannot be considered biocompatible anymore once mixed with other metals that can cause an allergic reaction (alloyed). Beware of labels that indicate or say nickel-free or hypoallergenic jewelry, as they can be misleading.


Metal allergies are common in many people. Therefore, it’s crucial to protect yourself from cheaply made jewelry containing specific types of metals and alloys that may cause allergic reactions. Manufacturers use nickel and brass to reinforce jewelry, and they come with an inconvenience nobody deserves. Arm yourself with these tips to get your money’s worth and enjoy wearing jewelry without suffering from any irritation.

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