Diamond Buying Guide To Ensure Maximum Sparkle

Diamond, the transparent gemstone has been the sparkle of the eyes of people for years. With ongoing advancements in the buying experience of consumers, we have taken a step forward to help buyers to decide for themselves with our detailed and unbiased guide to choose the right diamond for their engagement rings. Bear these super-easy tricks that can be really helpful while setting out to buy a diamond.

Decide Your Budget

Rather than forcing yourself to put an extra load on your pockets, it is advisable to choose the sellers who are willing to work within your budget.

  • Our experts can help you decide the right style that fits your budget.
  • Rosec Jewels’ philosophy is to stay within your budget and offer you the most out of it.
  • Regardless of the price tag, our pieces are all handcrafted.

Cut, Clarity, Color and Carat

The most important factors which should be checked before buying are the famous 4Cs of the diamond. You can get in touch with our experts through call, email, or chat. You can also make use of our detailed Diamond Education to understand what these 4Cs are.

Your Eyes Know Better

Even if you find it hard to understand the famous 4C’s, you can always trust your own eyes with selecting the diamond engagement ring.

  • The sparkle which is noticeable across the room would speak for the well-cut diamond.
  • The right color judgment could be made from 3 to 6 feet distance.
  • For best clarity grade ensure no visible inclusions from distance of 6-8 inch

Diamond Cut Should Be Priority

The cut of a diamond should be on priority because it is the factor which can enhance the sparkle and reduce flaws.

The simple rule of thumb should be to avoid choosing a diamond that is poorly cut, that is too shallow, or too deep.

Perceived Diamond Clarity

Diamond clarity is a perceived quality, most of the time it can only be seen under 10X magnification. Diamonds may have both internal as well as external flaws. A slightly included diamond is not flawless yet it might look great to the naked eye.

Therefore, you can greatly save by selecting such diamonds.

Near Colorless Over Colorless Diamonds

Practically, diamonds with no color are of the highest quality and tend to be the most expensive. To make a striking deal, it is recommended to select the diamond with a G or H grade.

Be Watchful of the Carat Weight

When it comes to buying diamonds, it is not always more the merrier as far as carat weights are considered. Because prices tend to increase exponentially with an increase in carats. Therefore, the diamond should be weighed precisely, not less, not more.

Why not the Fancy-Shapes?

Although, the most popular shape is the Round Shape but that shouldn’t stop from buying those fancy shapes available out there which may give an illusion of increased size. The fancy-shaped diamonds can help you trim the cost as well.

Saving Big

In a general observation, diamond prices tend to jump significantly when it crosses the carat and half-carat marks. And in order to save big, consider buying diamonds slightly less in weight when you are near such marks. We assure you that it will not bring much difference in the visible size but a great difference in prices.

Diamond Certificate Verification

The product you are about to buy is a major purchase and you would want it to authentic. For you, it should be an important thing to get your hands on natural conflict-free diamonds. Therefore, it is crucial that you look for diamonds which come with a certified grading report from the GIA.

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